Partner Information

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Small Publishing in a Big Universe Marketplace Partner!

Please complete this survey if you might be interested in becoming a partner at an event:
Small Publishing in a Big Universe Marketplace Interest Survey

Please complete this application if you are interested in having us host your products for sale at an event:
SPBU Marketplace Vendor Application

Please complete this form for each item you would like to have available for sale at an event:
SPBU Marketplace Merchandise Information
(If you encounter issues with authentication when you submit the form, please use one of these versions [PDF] [Excel] and submit it by email to vendors (at) Please remember to also attach a copy of the cover artwork.)

Please complete this form for each item you would like to have listed under “Other Featured Titles” on our monthly podcast page:
SPBU Marketplace Podcast Merchandise Information

Please complete this form so we can say something about you on our website:
SPBU Marketplace Author Information

Please complete this form if you would like to have your business listed under “Services” on our website:
SPBU Marketplace Business Information

Here is a sample of our current Small Publishing in a Big Universe Marketplace Vendor Agreement:
Small Publishing in a Big Universe Marketplace Vendor Agreement

Here is a copy of our current Small Publishing in a Big Universe Marketplace Code of Conduct:
Small Publishing in a Big Universe Marketplace Code of Conduct
(Additional information about our Code of Conduct may be found here: Small Publishing in a Big Universe Code of Conduct.)

Here is some useful information about promoting yourself and your books at an event:
Promoting the Event